Sunday, March 18, 2012

March 18, 2012

It's been a number of years since I posted my first blog entry and a lot has happened during that time. As this blog is named Shead at Woodycrest, I'll bring you up to date on that front first.
Shortly after I wrote that profile and blog entry, Shead was diagnosed with bone cancer, centered in his left fore leg. As it was in one of his fore legs, amputation was
not an option. We decided to not treat the cancer, but to keep him comfortable and watch his quality of life. He did well until the beginning of June when he started to refuse to get off the couch and go outside to do his business. He never had an accident in the house, but his refusal indicated that the pain level was not acceptable. The indication that his time had come was his refusal to take his medication. Up until this time, I would bury his meds in peanut butter on a cracker and he would almost "inhale" it! Suddenly, he refused to eat the cracker+. Over that weekend, Tim called Mike, Shead's former owner and updated him on Shead's condition. Mike came to visit and Shead just about turned himself inside out to see Mike. They had a great visit but it wore Shead out. Tim and Michelle were going away
to celebrate their birthdays, at the end of the week, so Monday, Tim called the vet and made arrangements for euthanizing. Michael, Tim, Michelle and I took him in late that afternoon. After an examination, he was put to sleep while surrounded by those who loved him so. Probably the most cathartic experience was burying him. The four of us brought him home, with tears in our eyes, dug the hole and buried him with Sonny and Buddy at my brother, Jack's. Shead, rest in peace. We love you!

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One morning, just over two short weeks after Shead's death, Tim was looking on Petfinders and found a 8 1/2 month old chocolate lab puppy that people in Oxford had given up to Oxford Animal Control. He called and made an appointment to see the dog . Apparently it was a very popular posting because the listing was down before noon! Michael, Tim and I went to see "Rex" and he was an about 3/4 grown chocolate lab with tremend
ous energy! According to the animal control person, in addition to needing extensive exercise, he had developed a number of "bad habits" resulting in his owners deciding to give him up. We all took a turn walking him around with Tim taking the final shift. When he was finished, we all stood talking to the woman with "Rex" sitting quietly right next to Tim. The next morning, after a call to our vet, Tim received a call telling him that "Rex" was ours if we still wanted him. The decision was a no brainer - of course we still wanted him!!! So began our almost last three years with a chocolate lab, now named "Seamus", who we love dearly even though he presents us with new challenges almost every day! He is "my dog"!

Seamus is now 3 1/2 years old, still into mischief and goes to the dog park almost every day. He is still a dog who has a very high exercise quotient! Oh! His name! We went from Finn to Boy O to finally Seamus - he has the glint of the devil in his eyes! He really does fit the name!!!

I think that's about all for today - I tried to add a couple of pictures, but wasn't successful. I'll have to talk to the kids and see what I'm doing wrong!!!LOL They are both so much more technically savvy now than I am - boy is that a turn around!!!

Till next time! Aim for the moon - if you miss, you'll be among the stars!!!